
This is an overview of all templates used in this theme. Feel free to arrange, edit and modify them as you like. Most templates include optional fields (only visible when filled with content) and have dynamic spaces on the top and bottom.


Hero Header Template

Hero section with a headline H1, subline H2 and up to two buttons (anchor and link). To change the background color, click on “edit template” and open the content row settings.

Please enter a Headline (H1)

Please enter a Subline (H2)
Please enter a Headline (H1)
Please enter a Subline (H2)


Blocks are ready-to-use sections. They consist of other smaller templates like for example several panel templates. You can edit the content in the template. Click on “edit template” to edit panel contents. Copy or delete columns there to add or erase panels. Some blocks contain post overviews which you can control with the respective post type.

Block – Icon Tiles

*Static template* – Headline, panels and button. Click on “edit template” to edit the content of the tiles.

Please enter a Headline (H3)


Industrieller Druck

grafische Werbe-/Logoaufkleber und Einleger
Warn- und Sicherheitshinweise
Frontplatten, Maschinenbeschriftung



Werbe- und Hinweisschilder
Pylone, Hallenbeschriftung und 3D-Logos
Banner, Fahnen und Großflächenwerbung
Schaufensterbeschriftung und POS-Produkte



Fahrzeugvollverklebungen (Car Wrapping)



Arbeitskleidung für Handwerk, Industrie und Gastronomie
Vereinskleidung, Sportwear
Merchandise für Bands, Festivals, ...



Kopien und Drucke in schwarz/weiß und Farbe
Bachelor- und Abschlussarbeiten mit div. Bindungen
Druck von Bauplänen und technischen Zeichnungen
Scans bis 450 x 330 mm


Satz & Design

Logo- und Corporate Design
Erstellung von Geschäftsausstattung (Briefpapier, Visitenkarten,...)
Grafikdesign und Bildbearbeitung
Durchführung komplexer Projekte wie z.B. Bücher von A-Z

Block – Support

*Static template* – Headline, panels with bullet points, button. To edit or delete panels, click on “edit template”.

Please enter a Headline (H3)

  • hohe Lichtbeständigkeit
  • hohe mechanische Beanspruchung
  • brilliante Farben / Sonderfarben
  • preisgünstig bei mittleren bis hohen Auflagen
  • fotorealistische Drucke
  • Kleinauflagen ab 1 Stück kostengünstig produzierbar
  • Plattendruck bis 2,5 x 1,25 m
  • Rollendruck bis 2,2m Druckbreite
  • Siebdruck im Direktdruck bis zu 6 Farben
  • Bestickung
  • Flex- & Flocktransfer
  • Sublimation
  • stanzen, rillen, nuten, falzen
  • präzise Konturcuts für alle Materialien (Lasercut, Fräsung, Plot)
  • Folienkaschierung, Lamination
  • binden, heften
Block – Pricing

*Static template* – Headline and several panels. Click on “edit template” to change the content or number of panels.

Please enter a Headline (H3)

Product A

99 $

Product B

99 $

Product C

99 $

Product D

99 $

Service Abo 1

99 $

Service Abo 2

99 $

Service Abo 3

99 $

Service Abo 4

99 $
Block – Form

Conversion block with a headline and form. Click on “edit template” to change the background (row settings).

Please enter a Headline (H3)

Die Telefonnummer darf nur aus Zahlen und folgenden Zeichen bestehen: + ( ) - /
Die E-Mail-Adresse sollte ein '@'-Zeichen und eine gültige Domain mit einem Punkt enthalten.
Block – Testimonial

Quotes added to the Dynamic Post Type “Testimonial” (WordPress menu on the left) are automatically added in chronological order.

Please enter a Headline (H3)

GREYD Theme Photo
Antonio Calo

Marketing Manager, Lorem Company

GREYD Theme Photo
Antonio Calo

Marketing Manager, Lorem Company

We are extremely happy with the agency's work. We create twice as many leads as with our previous website. And we are finally able to monitor our numbers.

GREYD Theme Photo
Susan Bright

SEA Manager, Doe Limited

GREYD Theme Photo
Susan Bright

SEA Manager, Doe Limited

We can absolutely recommend the agency. They are extremely creative and it is so much fun to work with them. The team is great!

GREYD Theme Photo
Sebastian Bell

Business Development, Pear Company

GREYD Theme Photo
Sebastian Bell

Business Development, Pear Company

We finally found the partner we were always looking for. The agency does great work in terms of generating leads and constantly improving our online strategy.

GREYD Theme Photo
Antonio Calo

Marketing Manager, Lorem Company

GREYD Theme Photo
Antonio Calo

Marketing Manager, Lorem Company

We are extremely happy with the agency's work. We create twice as many leads as with our previous website. And we are finally able to monitor our numbers.

GREYD Theme Photo
Susan Bright

SEA Manager, Doe Limited

GREYD Theme Photo
Susan Bright

SEA Manager, Doe Limited

We can absolutely recommend the agency. They are extremely creative and it is so much fun to work with them. The team is great!

GREYD Theme Photo
Sebastian Bell

Business Development, Pear Company

GREYD Theme Photo
Sebastian Bell

Business Development, Pear Company

We finally found the partner we were always looking for. The agency does great work in terms of generating leads and constantly improving our online strategy.


Tile – Icon + Text with Link

Linkable tile with image, headline, text, link and colored shadow.

GREYD Theme Placeholder

Please enter a Headline (H5)

Please put your Text here and align it centered

GREYD Theme Placeholder

Please enter a Headline (H5)

Please put your Text here and align it centered

GREYD Theme Placeholder

Please enter a Headline (H5)

Please put your Text here and align it centered

Tile – List (Primary Color)

Linkable panels with a headline and 3-7 bullet points. Click on „edit template“ to change the hover effect in the content box settings.

Please enter a Headline (H5)
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
Please enter a Headline (H5)
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
Please enter a Headline (H5)
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
  • Please enter a Bulletpoint
Tile – Pricing

Linkable panels with a headline, price tag and an optional text to be used on dark backgrounds.

Please enter a Headline

Price €

Please enter a Headline

Price €

Please enter a Headline

Price €


Separator – Headline & Subline with CTA

Separator template with a headline, text and up to two buttons (anchor and link).

Please enter a Headline (H3)

Please enter your text and set the size to H4.

Element – Testimonial

A template used in the post overview module of the testimonial section. It shows an image, two headlines and a text.

GREYD Theme Placeholder
Please enter a name

Please enter a position

GREYD Theme Placeholder
Please enter a name

Please enter a position

Please enter a statement.

Content – Logowall

Logos added to the Dynamic Post Type „Customer logos“ (WordPress menu on the left) are automatically added to the logo list.

GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
GREYD Theme Logo
Content – Left: Image, Right: Double Headlines, Text & Button

Content section with an image on the left and up to three headlines, a text and up to two buttons on the right.

GREYD Theme Placeholder

Please enter a Headline

Please enter a Subline

(Optional Text) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

GREYD Theme Placeholder

Please enter a Headline

Please enter a Subline

(Optional Text) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.